How to Convert Spotify Podcasts to Text for Free

I don’t really like listening to podcasts. I prefer written content over podcasts.

But… this morning I was listening to one and thought, what if there was a way to convert Spotify podcasts to text?

I searched but found nothing valuable.

However, after various hit-and-trial, I found a way to do that. Let me explain:

Convert Spotify Podcasts to Text

Here’s what I will be doing:

  • Download the desired Spotify podcast in .mp3 format
  • Convert the .mp3 to text using speech-to-text

Step #1 – Downloading the desired Spotify Podcast

It’s time to download the desired podcast. The process is very simple and doesn’t require any tool to download.

First of all, open Spotify Web in Chrome browser (I haven’t tested in other browsers though), open your desired podcast episode and press ctrl + shift + i on the keyboard.

A window with some weird code will appear (I assume, you’ve never done that otherwise I wouldn’t have called it weird. 😉), something like the below screenshot.

Convert Spotify Podcasts to Text

Go to the Network tab, then click on the Media filter. Now, play the podcast by clicking the big green button on the left. You will see some files appearing there, click on the first one and copy the Request URL as shown above.

Paste the copied URL in the new tab and click enter, you now should be able to download the audio by clicking the 3 vertical dots menu. Download and save it somewhere on your computer.

Step #2 – Converting the .mp3 to Text

Now, there are a lot of free speech-to-text tools available on the internet. You can take their help to convert the downloaded Spotify audio to text.

Now, you can copy the converted text, paste it to MS Word or Google Docs and start reading.

I used this free tool to convert, and almost every word was recognized perfectly except the punctuation.

You can simply Google “speech to text tool online” to find other similar tools.

That’s it, that’s how you convert Spotify podcasts to text for free.

If you get stuck somewhere, let me know by dropping a quick comment, right now.

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  1. Thanks for this great advice. Unfort. if I open in Chrome, click on episode and then shirt+ctrl+i nothing happens 😳 Any device would be great. Would love to convert my favorite podcasts into text. Thanks!

    1. DeepakNess says:

      If ctrl + shift + i doesn’t work, right click anywhere on the page and select the Inspect option.

  2. yes the right click is banned on Spotify BUT! here is the trick: open a new tab on the same window (browser) just type a regular site which is not disabled the right click. now click on the right and you’ll see the google inspection tool. leave it at it is. Go back the spotify music / podcast whatever you want and copy its url. Come back to the dummy page that the inspection console is open. Paste the spotify url to this dummy page. and you will see that inpection tool. Now follow the steps shown at the blog post.

  3. Maaaaan i was so hyped when i read this, as i am also somewhat familiar with a inspecting web elements, but something seems to have changed (or im doing something wrong…):
    when playing the file, nothing appears listed under names for me 🙁
    Any idea what i could do?