OpenAI API Price Calculator

Use this simple OpenAI API Price Calculator to estimate the cost for generating a specific number of words using OpenAI GPT APIs. Simply enter the desired word count below, and get a precise cost estimation, hassle-free!

Estimated price to generate 1000 words: $0.0880

The calculator assumes a prompt length of 200 words for each 1000 words generated by the API. This additional cost is already added to the final estimated price.

But if your prompt length varies from our assumed value of 200 words per 1000 generated words, enter the actual value below, and the final estimated price will update accordingly.

OpenAI GPT price calculator uses the official OpenAI website’s information to estimate the price based on your desired word count. It’s assumed that 1000 tokens are equivalent to approximately 750 words, as recommended by OpenAI. For more insights on tokens, refer to this link.

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