How to Calculate the Weighted Average in Google Sheets

If you’re looking to Calculate the Weighted Average in Google Sheets, you have landed at the right place.

First, here’s a quick video featuring both methods:

Now, here’s a detailed explanation of the Google Sheets formula to Calculate the Weighted Average:

#1 – By using SUMPRODUCT function

  • SUMPRODUCT multiplies the values in columns A and B together, then adds them up.
  • The formula then divides this result by the sum of the values in column B.
  • This gives the weighted average of the values in column A, where the weights are in column B.

#2 – By using SUM and ARRAYFORMULA function

=SUM(ArrayFormula(B2:B10 * C2:C10))/SUM(C2:C10)
  • ArrayFormula allows us to perform operations on arrays of values.
  • The formula multiplies the values in columns A and B together as arrays, then adds them up.
  • The formula then divides this result by the sum of the values in column B.
  • This gives the weighted average of the values in column A, where the weights are in column B.

That’s it.

Other cool Google Sheets formulas:

And if you get stuck somewhere while applying the GSheets formula to Calculate the Weighted Average, kindly let me know in the comments below.

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